The Forrest Spence Fund begins on September 10, 2007, with the story of Brittany and David Spence’s first child, Robert Forrest Spence. Shortly after birth, Forrest developed complications and was transported to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, where he fought valiantly for his life for 55 days before his illness overtook him. While in the PICU, Forrest and his family underwent an indescribable journey of highs and lows.
Amidst the daily struggles, the Spences were met with compassion and love that gave them hope and helped them survive the most difficult journey of their lives. It was in these times that they experienced deep kindness from friends. It was often that kindness that sustained them as they grew weary. In light of this experience, Forrest Spence Fund was founded in 2007 as an official 501(c)3 nonprofit organization to assist with the non-medical needs of critically or chronically ill children and their families throughout the Mid-South. Since that time, the Forrest Spence Fund has continued to grow and expand its work across the Mid-South, touching the lives of many.
The Spences view this as a way for them and others to support families dealing with similar difficult situations and to give back to regional children’s hospitals like Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital, Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt, Children’s Hospital at Erlanger in Chattanooga, Spence and Becky Wilson Baptist Children’s Hospital, and St. Jude Children’s Hospital. The amazing medical staff at each of these institutions fight for thousands of children each year and Forrest Spence Fund hopes to assist in this fight. Each year, thousands of families across the region are confronted with the challenge of childhood illness, leaving a profound impact. With your help and the help of others, our organization will continue to come alongside these families in a time of need and often desperation, and support them, love them, and guide them through their journey.
The Forrest Spence Fund strives to accomplish its mission of assisting with the non-medical needs of critically and chronically ill children throughout the Mid-South by focusing on 4 areas: (1) Meeting individual patient and family needs. (2) Working with institutions to better recognize and meet non-medical needs. (3) Connecting families with counseling and support groups as well as covering the cost of counseling for families with a chronically ill child and for bereaved families. (4) Providing grants to families demonstrating need. You can learn more about the Forrest Spence Fund by visiting their website or YouTube channel.
Thank you for doing the hard work of healing and growing and thank you for supporting other families on their own journeys. Please click here to make a donation to the Forrest Spence Fund. We appreciate your support!